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  • Day Two HW
  • #76817

    Zafir Ishak

    When Mike Bunn says “You are already an author”, he means that any form of writing we do makes us an author. This can be from texting your friends, family, or workplace. It can even be through writing your resumes because you are giving something to the employer to read about you. Some things I write already are things for my college classes such as writing about different articles or things I look into my own that I’m interested in. I would not write an essay on it but I would talk about it in a way. Also, I have been writing a cover letter to places I have been applying to. I think my reading and understanding have gotten a little better through time and past mistakes in my writing, but not to a point where I am very confident. I think this will help me in my college reading and writing because it will allow me to write clearer and understand things clearer. I think all these questions Bunn tells you to ask yourself are helpful in guiding you when you are reading or writing and give you something to aim at instead of just blindly reading or writing. Something I noticed in Bunn’s writing that I would like to try in my own writing is to find out these two questions before starting are: “Do you know the authors purpose for this piece of writing?” and “Do you know who the intended audience is for this piece of writing?” This will allow you to know the reason for this writing and it may be effective depending on their goals for the writing, but if it is for random less important reasons, then it can be less effective. It is important to think about the factors that went into creating the text because it has an important meaning behind it.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Zafir Ishak.
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