
Profile picture of Yotam Kellner

Class tomorrow: Homework reminder

Posted by: Yotam Kellner
Posted on: March 19, 2024 at 11:22 am

Hi all,

We will start tomorrow's class at 8:30am!

it will give you an extra 30 min in the morning. 

Reminder: the homework for tomorrow: 

Finalize your poster!

With the feedback you got in class, Finalize your posters, make ‘em WOW! Remember: focal point, composition, typography, colors, minimalistic and artistic directions.

Continue with:

  1. Finalize Design 
  2. Size: 50 x 70 cm (EU) = 18 x 24 Inches (US)
  3. The WOW factor

Present next class for feedback 

If you have any questions or need 1:1 feedback or help, please let me know? 


Profile picture of Yotam Kellner

Class #6: Recap - Homework + Presentation from today

Posted by: Yotam Kellner
Posted on: March 13, 2024 at 9:53 am

Hi Class, 

How's everyone doing? I hope you had a nice trip to Talia's studio last week! 

We will start next week's class at 8:30am!

it will give you an extra 30 min in the morning. 

Adding today's slides in here (use the links for resources!) 

and the homework for next week: 

Finalize your poster!

With the feedback you got in class, Finalize your posters, make ‘em WOW! Remember: focal point, composition, typography, colors, minimalistic and artistic directions.

Continue with:

  1. Finalize Design 
  2. Size: 50 x 70 cm (EU) = 18 x 24 Inches (US)
  3. The WOW factor

Present next class for feedback 

If you have any questions or need 1:1 feedback or help, please let me know? 


Profile picture of Yotam Kellner

Reminder: Class Tomorrow - Digital Media Foundations (homework brief)

Posted by: Yotam Kellner
Posted on: March 12, 2024 at 1:08 pm

Hi All, 

What a great field trip last week, I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new! 

Reminder for your homework tomorrow: 

Design your poster!

With the feedback you got in class, take your sketches to the next level and start adding: colors, typefaces, image-making (your style!) try as many iterations as possible and bring your designs for next class (digitally only)

Continue with:

  1. Sketches to Design 
  2. Move to a software (illustrator, figma, photoshop, etc)
  3. Create as many options as possible and present in class for feedback next class. 

Present next class for feedback 

See you tomorrow, 


Profile picture of Yotam Kellner

[REMINDER]: Field Trip Tomorrow - @Cotton Design - Details.

Posted by: Yotam Kellner
Posted on: March 5, 2024 at 12:20 pm

Hi again class, 

We are meeting tomorrow (March 6th) @Cotton Design studio for our semester's FIELD TRIP!

Cotton Design Studio address is: 

291 Broadway Suite 702 NY NY 10007

We will meet at 9:30, please be there on time.

more instructions: 

Take the elevator up to floor 7. When you get off, turn left and look for suite 702. There's a sign on the door that says Cotton, and a big sign that has the number on it.

here is my phone number just in case you need it: 917-689-7471 

Let's have a great trip, please be curious and ask questions! 

And let's all thank Talia and her team @Cotton Design for having us tomorrow. 



Profile picture of Yotam Kellner

No Class this week + We are meeting next week @Cotton Design studio for our Field Trip!

Posted by: Yotam Kellner
Posted on: February 26, 2024 at 12:19 pm

Hi Class, 

According to the academic calendar, Wednesday Feb 28th, classes follow a Monday schedule therefore, our class of Digital Media Foundation will not be happening this week. 

We will all meet next week, March 6th for our Field Trip at Cotton Design in NYC (woohoo!)

To make it easier on everyone, we will meet at 9:30 - and those of you who have classes after 11:20 back at CUNY can leave earlier so you won't be late. 

Cotton Design Studio address is: 

291 Broadway Suite 702 NY NY 10007

We will meet at 9:30, please be on time.


Regarding your homework, don't worry - you will be presenting in class on the week of March 13th, so you have plenty of time to design your stunning event posters! 

Please let me know if something isn't clear and if you have further questions, 

