BIO2312 lab Fall 2020

Lab activity blood:

Image 1 ( 19-05_2): In this  image it shows the loss of old and damaged erythroctyes but thats compensated by erythropoesis. The average life span of red blood cells is 120 days. The rupture of RBC’s is called hemolysis. New RBC’s are relseased into the bloodstream. HB that is not phagocytized breaks down and goes through the kidneys and is released through the urnine. ( this occurs in the liver,spleen, and bone marrow)

Image 2 ( 19-06_2): In this image you see the formation of red blood cells called erythropoesis. (top to bottom)

Day1: Proerythroblast

Day 2: (erythroblasts) Basophillic erythroblasts

Day 3: Polychromatophilic erythroblasts

Day 4: Normoblasts

( ejection of nucleus )

Day 5-7: Reticulocyte

( enters blood stream)

(mature RBC)

Image 3 ( 19-08_2): A) This image shows the different blood types,their antigens and anitbodies . ( from left to right ) The first one is blood type A. It has RBCS with surface antigen A only ( anti B). The second one is type B. It has RBCS with surface antigen B only ( anti A). The third one is type AB. It has RBCS with both A and B surface antigens ( neither anti A or anti B ) . The fourth and final one is type O. It has RBCS lacking both A and B surface antigens ( both anti A and anti B )

B) This image shows surface and opposing anitbodies combining with eachother.This leads to agglutination (clumping) and hemolysis.

Image 4 ( 19-10_2): This image shows hemolytic disease of a newborn. It shows a RH- mother and a RH+ fetus. Their blood is being seperated by the placenta for the first pregnancy. The second image shows the RH- mothers blood being exposed to the RH+ fetus’s blood supply. This is because of hemmoraging. In the last imagine it shows the maternal anti-RH antibodies crossed the placenta and goes into the fetal bloodstream. This causes hemolysis of the fetal RBCS.

Image 5 ( 19-11_2): This image shows the five different types of white blood cells, also known as leukocytes. (from left to right) The first one is neutrophils. The second one is eosinophils. The third one is basophil. The fourth one is monocyte. The fifth one is lymphocyte.

Blood group identification activity: 

Image 1 (19-09_1): This image shows blood type testing. It shows blood samples,anti A, anti B , and anti D. It also shows blood type A+, B+, AB+, and O-.

Image 2 ( 19-09_2): This image shows various blood samples in different forms. ( from left to right) Blood samples, anti A, anti B , anti D.