BIO2312 lab Fall 2020

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Sabrina Albert Bio2312 Lab Blood and Blood Group Identification Activity
Sabrina Albert  Bio 2312 Lab Lab Blood and Blood Group Identification Activity    Lab Activity Blood
  1. Image 1(19-05_2): This image shows red blood cell turnover. The hematocrit of a person is relatively consistent, the loss of erythrocytes is compensated with erythropoiesis. Old erythrocytes are phagocytically broken down in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Released Hb will pass through the kidneys to the urine. 
  2. Image 2(19-06_2): This image shows the production of red blood cells, also known as erythropoiesis. From top to bottom: Proerythroblast, Erythroblast, Basophilic erythroblast, Polychromatophilic erythroblast, Normoblast, Ejection of nucleus, Reticulocyte, Enters circulation, and Mature red blood cell.
  3.  Image 3(19-08_2): This image shows the different types of blood groups or types, their antigens, and their antibodies. The top horizontal part of the image shows: Type A: antigen A, anti-B antibodies, Type B: antigen B, anti-A antibodies, Type AB: antigens A and B, neither anti A nor anti B antibodies, and Type O: neither A nor B antigens, anti A and anti B antibodies. The bottom horizontal part of the image shows antigens+opposing antibodies= agglutination(clumping) and hemolysis(destruction of red blood cells).
  4. Image 4(19-10_2): This image shows the hemolytic disease of the newborn. The mother produces anti-Rh antibodies that cross the placenta and cause agglutination and hemolysis of fetal red blood cells.
  5. Image 5(19-11_2): This image shows the different types of leukocytes(white blood cells). The first row of white blood cells are: neutrophil, eosinophil,and basophil. The second row of white blood cells are: monocyte and lymphocyte. 
  Blood Group Identification Activity
  1. Image 1(19-09_1): This image shows blood type testing. The first column shows the blood samples, the next column shows anti A antibodies, the third column shows anti B antibodies, and the last column shows anti D antibodies, as well as the blood types A+, B+, AB+, and O-
  2. Image 2(19-09_2): This image shows a blood group test.The first column shows the blood samples, the next column shows anti A antibodies, the third column shows anti B antibodies, and the last column shows anti D antibodies.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
September 3, 2020 at 11:02 am Sabrina Albert