BIO2312 lab Fall 2020

  1. Image 1(19-05_2): This image shows rbc. The hematocrit of a person is relatively consistent, the loss of erythrocytes is compensated with erythropoiesis. Old erythrocytes are phagocytically broken down in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Released Hb will pass through the kidneys to the urine. 
  2. Image 2(19-06_2): This diagram shows the Stages of RBC Maturation: Erythropoiesis. Day 1: Proerythroblast, Erythroblasts Day 2: Basophilic erythroblast, Day 3: Polychromatophilic erythroblast, Day 4: Normoblast, Day 5-7: Reticulocyte, Day, Lastly a Mature red blood cell.
  3.  Image 3(19-08_2): This image shows the different types of blood groups or types, their antigens, and their antibodies. The top horizontal part of the image shows: Type A: antigen A, anti-B antibodies, Type B: antigen B, anti-A antibodies, Type AB: antigens A and B, neither anti A nor anti B antibodies, and Type O: neither A nor B antigens, anti A and anti B antibodies. The bottom horizontal part of the image shows antigens+opposing antibodies= agglutination(clumping) and hemolysis(destruction of red blood cells).
  4. Image 4(19-10_2): This image shows hemolytic disease of a newborn. It shows a RH- mother and a RH+ fetus. Their blood is being seperated by the placenta for the first pregnancy. The second image shows the RH- mothers blood being exposed to the RH+ fetus’s blood supply. This is because of hemmoraging. In the last imagine it shows the maternal anti-RH antibodies crossed the placenta and goes into the fetal bloodstream. This causes hemolysis of the fetal RBCS.
  5. Image 5(19-11_2): This image shows the different types of leukocytes(white blood cells). The first row of white blood cells are: neutrophil, eosinophil,and basophil. The second row of white blood cells are: monocyte and lymphocyte. 


 Blood Group Identification Activity

Image 1(19-09_1): This image shows Compatibility testing performed in advance of transfusions. Type A blood has Anti-B antibodies. Type B blood has Anti-A antibodies.Type O- blood has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies and is the universal donor but cross-reactions can still occur because at least 48 surface antigens exist besides A and B. Type AB blood has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies only sensitized Rh– blood has anti-Rh antibodies.

Image 2 (19-09_2.jpg): This image shows A blood-type test shows four blood-type reactions to antibody. The First Row is blood Type A reaction to Antibody serums. The Second Row is blood Type B reaction to antibody. The Third Row is blood Type AB+ reaction to Antibody. The Fourth Row is blood Type O- reaction to Antibody.