ADV 1167 Type & Media, Sp2014

  • View document Adv 1167 (Daniel Zeng)  

    Uploaded by Daniel Zeng on February 3, 2014

    Description: This zip file is my first journal submit to the class.<br /> Journal # 1<br /> Choose a few of your photos from last night, say 3 or 4 of the best ones. Write 3 paragraphs about what the typography of your neighborhood says about the character and makeup of that community. Send me links to your writings.<br /> Some things you could talk about:<br /> • Is the typography well-crafted or does it looks as if it were done by a non-designer?<br /> • Is there more hand lettering than printing?<br /> • What language is most of it in?<br /> • Is it created by people in the community (businesses, etc.) or is it mostly produced by the government (street signs, etc.)?