36 hours report #1

Summary of chapter 1


Prof. Terrance r. dinan


Norma rivera


summary of chapter 1


September 19, 2014


Chapter 1 is all about introducing us to the world of hospitality. We learned about the earliest roots of the business from the Ancient times when the Sumerians first recorded elements of hospitality to the Medieval times when Charlemagne established rest houses for pilgrims to the New world when the famous Francis Tavern was built for general George Washington and is even still operating today. We also learned in great detail about the hundreds of career options that are available in the hospitality industry. Such as general managers, housekeeping, front desk agents, station cooks, guest services, opening managers and regional managers. But the most important thing to me that we learned in this chapter is the attitude and beliefs that is at the core of every staff member in the hospitality industry. The philosophy of “whatever it takes” over “it’s not my job.” Innovation and creativity over “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” This is what I’ve learned from chapter 1.