
I have learned a lot from the readings about copyright and ethics. There are so many things to consider when designing. Not following these rules can’t turn into a headache for a lot of people. The only time that I have used another designer’s work has been when I go to websites like but they are free to use. I am very careful to use someone’s work because I think that designing something takes a lot of time and effort. I have however, look up people’s work for inspiration. This is something I do often, I go on Pinterest and look for inspiration for my work. One of my favorite designers is Massimo Vignelli, I always check out his work. I love his use of typography and colors but I am very careful not to copy anything he’s done but just to use it as inspiration.

I think that the Obama hope poster controversy is a great example of how careful we should be when using other people’s work. Making changes to a photo that someone else took without their consent is not okay. I am glad that they were able to settle this issue because the original photo is great and the work that Shepard Fairy did to it looks great as well.

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