Step 3 Improve

The mood I choose for the Selfie Collage is Fear.
My mouth tends to open slowly as if I was having trouble breathing. It shows a sign of either if I’m gonna have a panic attack or pass out. What I plan to do is merge my relaxed selfies with my anxiety expression combined together to show if I’m being surrounded by my worst phobias or any traumatic memories I wanted to forget but couldn’t escape from it. One of the eye images I cut out is to show that when I get nervous, I would not make any eye contact with any audience or shake intensely. This is what I need to stop looking away and take deep breaths and calm down for a bit.
This emotion fills my soul in a positive way, crinkling my eyes and wides my smile, my eyebrows raise and my head tilts backwards. Happiness brights my face and is really easy to recognize.
When I’m happy I get energetic and can’t stop doing stuff. Happiness is not an often emotion in my life, but whenever is here it just gives me peace and I get to find the part of me I’m missing. Happiness makes a presence when I achieve something I been wanting to, when I’m having a great time with friends, when I’m listening to my favorite music and whenim in contact with nature.
1 In order to show the crinkling in my eyes when im happy I cut one of my eyes in strips.
2 To show a wide smile y cut my face in two through the lips and filled the space with smiles i got out from magazines.
3 to show the raise of my eyebrows I used my eyebrows on another image and pasted them higher.
4 to show how my head tilts when I laugh y separated my head from my neck and aranged it to look more tilted.
5 to show the brightness I used makeup highlighter to create shine.
Art is always subjective.
Mood: surprise
When I’m feeling surprise, my eyes usually widen and my mouth start to open. My eyebrows will also goes up . My body will start be on lookout so what I want to put will have a lot of eyes. When I actually feel surprise my teeth will start to touch. At lot of stuff that cause me to surprise also cause me to startle so I want to make my collage look splitter apart from each other.
I choose Happiness as my emotion which I defined in the following way:
This emotion fills my soul in a positive way, wrenches my eyes and wides my smile, my eyebrows raise and my head tilts backwards. Happiness brights my face and burst my features is really easy to recognize in me.
When I’m happy I get energetic and can’t stop doing stuff. Happiness is not an often emotion in my life, but whenever is here it just gives me peace and I get to find the part of me I’m missing. Happiness makes a presence when I achieve something I been wanting to, when I’m having a great time with friends, when I’m listening to my favorite music and when I’m in contact with nature.
In my collage I used some flowers I got from a magazine to portray better my purpose.
mood: surprise
I decided to emphasize my mouth area to express an open mouth and the center being black to express my mouth. The top part of my hair represents the over exaggerated look of my hair standing up to represent the mood surprise.
I tried to use my hair and hoops as the focus point other than my smile to reflect happily. My hair is pretty big and couldn’t fit into the bristol board so I did one layer. I feel like my hair since it’s pretty big ( this was a somewhat flat day) reflect the happy mood that I’m trying to convey as well as my hoops. The hoops are big and have a design if looked at carefully.