Retro Patterns reminds me of an expensive and luxury life on the 80’s, a family home full of sexualized comments and women’s oppresion, This squared pattern for me is a wallpaper, and I can almost hear the walls feeling restless and opressed by a masculine figure. Dark and light figures play an illusion in your eyes, you can never guess what color is at the top and which on is at the bottom, its interesting the use of diferent grays that I can infer they might be really colorfull.
This sand texture reminds me of my country and its meadows, it makes me feel nostalgic to that trip i did with my family to Coro, we threw ourselves from the sand mountains. i it was one of the happiest moments of my early adolescense. The way the lines look like they were sculpted into the sand is pretty amazing, It doesn’t look natural but is impressive it could actually be the way the wind move the sand around and ends up like this.
I really like how detailed these look. I think it looks really good and the 3 different blacks are noticeable.
They all look great, especially the type texture drawing! The contrast of colors are good and the bold letters look like they came out of a magazine.