Gum Fossilized On the Floor: Looking for ambiguous things in the urban life wasn’t as hard as I thought it would, obvious and ambiguous figures are everywhere we look in streets and train stations. Especially on the floors! Sometimes you just have to be bored enough to realize there is fossilized gum from about 10 years just stuck in the floor.

Pollution on Domino Park: After a long day of work I used to take walks through Domino Park, sit in the rocks and calm myself a little bit, I realized that the humans pollute by instict and we can hurt our planet without even noticing. Going green and helping the planet its really popular on social media, but how real it is in real life?
For me this picture has a lot of meaning, as soon as I saw the glass with all the other rocks and being in contact with the water I thought that this was a perfect set for this project. Its interesesting how my face is also reflected in the glass while I was taking the picture.