Category Archives: Uncategorized

Portrait Photo

This photo had a black background with a side light. The lighting on the side of the subjects head, while the right side of his face is shadowed.

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Best Portrait Photo

This photograph stood out to be because of the unique perspective from which it was taken. The quarter is slightly out of focus and very close the to camera lens. From this perspective the quarter seems larger than his head. … Continue reading

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Best Portrait 2 – Chris

This is a glamor shot taken with soft light. It portrays the subject’s features in a flattering way due to its exposure.

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This photo was shot using a a soft light more towards the left side and a main light in the back where white background it. This is a profile shot facing towards the right side.

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Portrait Photo

Best portrait photos of the day

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The lighting on this portrait is side lift and the photo is more focus on the Broad side. The broad side of the face is very soft while the short side has shadow.

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From todays class this was one of the best photos because of the lighting and the emotion was captured. This photograph was taken with side light giving the other side a shadow. This is a front view portrait.

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ICP – Sebastiao Salgado – Genesis

The Sebastiao Salgado show Genesis displayed black and white photographs of nature and the people who lives in it. I would generally say there were about 200 photographs in this exhibit. These photographs were categorized as Northern Space, Sanctuaries, Africa, … Continue reading

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Sebastiao Selgado Show Review – Ferdinand Martinez

The Sebastiao Selgado show is a series of black and white photographs taken in untouched parts of the world. By untouched I mean areas of the world that have no sort of urban life or culture. There were two floors … Continue reading

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Lighting direction – Ferdinand Martinez

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