
App Description

Shooting Zombies was an app  created and developed by Gerald Pasco, Winnie Huang, and Nassim Rahman. The purpose of the app was to create a game that could test a users dexterity, coordination and reflexes. The goal of the app is to achieve as many points as possible without losing life and ammo.

The game starts off with 3 zombies moving across the game screen at different speeds. Each zombie gives a set a mount of points. The farthest zombie being the hardest zombie gives the most points. The goal of the user is to shoot a ball and try to hit the zombies. To help make the game a bit more difficult the “Ammo” aspect was created. When the screen is initialized the player is only given 10 shots. When the user shoots, the ammo count gets lower. When the Ammo count is equal to zero the user loses. The user is also able to get more ammo by hitting the ammo box. The ammo box may be more difficult to hit due to the other zombies being in the way. Another aspect of the game that increases the difficulty is the addition of the ghost. Occasionally, a ghost will pop up in the screen. The ghost will then move towards the user and the user will have to dodge the zombie by dragging the soldier to the left or to the right. When the user is hit with the ghost his life bar will go down. When the life bar is fully depleted the game is also over. Before the user plays the game he has the ability to check the rules page to make the game more clear for them.

In conclusion, the user needs to use his accuracy and timing to try and obtain the most points as possible with his or her limited amount of ammo, while also being aware of the enemy ghost.


Team Members

Winnie Huang- Soldier coding, Zombie coding, Ball coding.

Nassim Rahman – LifeBar coding, Score, Ammo and reset button coding, visuals

Gerald Pasco – Ghost coding, Pop-up points coding, Multiple screens coding.

Block code for Screen 1

Block code for Screen 1

Block code for screen 2

Block code for screen 2

Long block code beginning for screen 2

Long block code beginning for screen 2

Long block code in Screen 2

Long block code in Screen 2

Block code for Screen 2

Block code for Screen 2

Block code for Screen 3

Block code for Screen 3

Block Code for Screen 4

Block Code for Screen 4

Block code for Screen 5

Block code for Screen 5

Block Code for Screen 6

Block Code for Screen 6

Block Code for Screen 7

Block Code for Screen 7

Screenshots of App running

Screenshots of App running

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