My goddamn experience is the link to the site that was supposed to have been where i’ve posted to. however, i’m having the hardest time trying to find my post. as discussed in our class this week, many of these classes were really not as connected through – or as immersed into – OpenLab. form my perspective, some professors are taking OpenLab as a joke. i could honestly say that our experience and utilization of OpenLab has been rather rudimentary and dull; at FIRST. now i can see that we’ve been very well connected through this site by forcing ourselves or by being forced by professor Gold. seriously, i thought this was a little silly, but it has opened my eyes to how easy it can be to implement something so simple. we’re all so used to using facebook to its fullest extent; why the Hell can’t we get into this?

in short, i’m very impressed by how well immersed our class has become in this network. yet, i’m very frustrated that no other classes [specifically other professors] are not capitalizing on this investment of time & effort. i only wish my History of Technology class was using OpenLab. professor Zylstrad has discussed with the class how society goes through many cycles of cultural changes in response to new modes of technology. guess what! this is another one of those things!! kinda silly how most of the students aren’t catching onto this thing. GRANTED: my classmates & i are perfectly happy with talking about school-related topics through facebook & email conferences. again, basic s!@#, let’s figure out how to pursue a functioning school network where all students can contribute even a bare minimum to something great; like a SCHOOL NETWORK, huh?

i mean common

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2 Responses to My goddamn experience

  1. redd says:

    you make a really good point….many of my class uses blackboard which is not effective because only professors can post a blog and there is no feedback from the students. It is not as effective as openlab and I am getting to like the open lab. I also agree at first I thought it was silly and that we are being forced to post a blog but I guess that is how we can figure out ourselves if this network is really beneficial or not. I guess that is the message Prof. Gold is trying to get across.

  2. windyj says:

    I agree I feel like our class is doing very well on here. While others are not taking advantage of the site.

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