WW The Dancer and the Dance

In this Chapter, it talks about the universe we live in is a system of rhythms. From the beating of your mother’s heart that matching to your own to when are walking with our legs and arms swinging in a rhythm. In the book, it defines rhythm as the way words of the poem moves. When we have a rhythm, it tends to involve and excite us such as dancing. The movement of your body goes along with the rhythm of a song. In poetry, the repetition of words or images gives you a kind of rhythm.

I find it difficult to understand the iambic pentameter, especially when it uses the symbols to represent each word, such as pyrrhic, spondee (–), trochee, and anapest. Why do we need accent on the words?

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One Response to WW The Dancer and the Dance

  1. zapt says:

    I agree on your on your examples of how rhythms can compare towards the way a person moves. Certain body movements have their rhythm, some people might see this as a universal body language. When someone is feeling “blue” their body language might be slow and will appear to have the least amount of energy, with the persons physical appearance as if they were hurt. When someone is happy, their body language is fast and very active. Having a very cheerful flow that obviously states their emotion at the moment.
    Words have the same kind of flow in order to express a feeling or emotion. No spoken language is universal, but the kind of rhythm one may here when listening to a poem, song, or just an ordinary person talk, the way we may here their tone and rhythm allows us to comprehend the person’s mood, even if their language is not spoken.

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