Gold In The Ore

Sound as meaning

On page 146 it says “we hear  even when we seem to be taking them silently from the page”.

I found that interesting because we don’t think about it but it’s true. Even if when we read poetry it is still coming to us “first as speech” because we hear it in our head.

I like that in class we discuss the poems and try to figure out what they mean. It’s interesting the different interpretations we all have. This class forces me to look at poetry differently.

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3 Responses to Gold In The Ore

  1. I found the discussion on Anti-poetry to be fascinating and interesting. When reading the chapter I found it difficult to understand and grasp the concept of anti-poetry. I am a auditory learner, reading the book at home doesn’t help me understand the ideas/concepts. Coming to class and hearing the lecture helps me understand and comprehend the meaning of terms. Listening to other individuals in class explain his/her perception on the concept also helps. Discussing the terms and interpreting the meaning of the poems in class helps me to learn and absorb information.

  2. ashleygp says:

    As a auditory learner i think something that can help you understand poems better is reading it aloud. When you read poems aloud, you are able to get a better grasp the rhythm of the poem and possibly realize patterns that were unrecognizable before. I believe that reading poetry out loud is one of the best ways to better comprehend the poems as a whole.

  3. I agree with Ashley because when you read poetry aloud you hear the words and so as you hear the word or sounds as we learnded this week, your mind creates an image or
    an understanding as you perceive what is being read.

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