assignment 1

In the prologue of David Weinberger’s, Too Big To Know, he discusses the crisis of knowledge.  This describes the pertinence of expert opinion, in which for now we will call knowledge.  He gives an example of how in soccer the experts known as referees, who are placed on the field to be the divine judges of the game make decisions that are definite, yet are very well misinformed due to the fact that they can not closely ridicule the validity of a play because they are not able to review the replay when spectators can review the replay and be more informed than the experts on the field.  Why are these tools available to those who do not make the official determination rather than those “experts” who do and need them most?


He poses the question “how much does accuracy really matter?”  I reply, those with ulterior motives that details are disastrous.  To be exposed is for those who have nothing to hide.  The costs of expertise and sound judgment become a matter of win or lose, life or death, freedom or enslavement.  In many instances knowledge is harbored in the grips of foul beastly demons and it takes the brave and fearless to pry it from its fiery jaws.


See, the fact that we rely on experts to be morally and ethically correct comes from their earned credentials in which makes it easier to the public to trust them. This is what also makes it easy for these “experts” to misplace the publics’ trust.  Yet the fact still remains that Knowledge is not the source, but the actual people who discover and develop certain facts that knowledge becomes known and relevant.


It makes for a messed up day when the audience you entertain knows more than these “experts”.  such as in the case where everyone can clearly discern that Casey Anthony killed her baby and the powers that be freed her.  There are many instances where authorities turn a blind eye and testimony and fact falls on deaf ears.


Another concept expresses that knowledge is the property of the network.  I don’t believe this is solely the case.  Though true in part, knowledge is the building block for all things in existence and that, which continues to exist.  I find the network is just another way in which knowledge is disseminated and just happens to be widely accepted by many cultures.

Weinberger expresses that network knowledge can make us stupider. I expressively agree  that the network is only as smart as the manner in which it is used.  Because the  characteristics of networked knowledge has been more human rather than certain, it causes those in search to obtain a more broad collection of topic in order to fully discern what they choose to know.


In Chapter 1:  Triangular Knowledge

Here one of the coneptional themes is knowledge being defined as actionable information. the concept plays out where a traditional pyramid depicts the identities the multitudes of data on the bottom leading up to useful information as in the case where there are unsurmountable amounts of knowledge that leads up to the very few who weeds out what is useful to gain a much narrower aspect of wisdom.

The author explains that knowledge must be reduced to what we need to know.  Who in their right authority can tell me what I need to know in this planet of equality?  A world where facts supersede beliefs, there are a multitude of people who hold steadfast to tradition that does not ultimately result in truth, such as the theological/religious communities has done for centuries past.  This concept of knowing by reducing has a two-fold effect.  First, filtering of information can make for a more sound and clearer conclusion of the knowledge consumed.  Secondly, reduction is only most effective if one filters through every piece of information available.  If not, the possibility of something being overlooked is likely.  So your conclusion or determination has the possibilities of being substantiated by parts.  Also, taking on the idea of reducing knowledge for the sake of overload allows others to make that decision for you in the realm of government, business, economy, law education and so on.  New  technology has put the control in the users hands.


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One Response to assignment 1

  1. Soriba Sylla says:

    “The assumption in the following quote is, in short, that the Internet is making people stupid.
    The Internet is an unedited mash of rumor, gossips, and lies. It splinters our attention and spells the end of reflective, long-form thought. Our children don’t read any more. They certainly don’t read newspapers. ”
    The author wants state that internet turn people away from the right thing to know. It has also stopped young generation to read newspapers. I believe that the knowledge has no limit, and then we learn every day, however, we never come to end of the knowledge. Every step of the life we need to learn more to make our life better. It is true also the way we learn from the Internet it far to be a useful knowledge for us, because we can see a million and a million of information in a minute. However, it is not everything of this information we need to know. For example what a little boy at age of eight to twenty have interest to learn how to shut a gun. It‘s very good to learn because someone said “knowledge is the power”, it’s the key of the life. That is why Good recommend to mankind to learn. However, we have to learn what we need, so we can control our knowledge. The knowledge is the information we receive then we use them to get a benefit. When we learn something that can destroy our life that is not thing we suppose to know. However, it is that kind of thing the teenagers learn from the Internet.
    The Internet is easy way to learn and it’s more practical learning than reading on a paper because we can see the images like watching a movies. However, when we read on the papers, we learn thing under the imaginaries world, so we have to analyze careful in order to understand better what we are reading. Also, information on the papers is limit and well restrained. It’s not going to overcharge our brain. However, the Internet information is overloaded, it’s not filtrated. The brain is full of the useless data. Therefore, filling the memory by unnecessary thing, it’s waste of time. We are not supposed to learn beyond our resonance capacity otherwise it can provoke mental depression. One person doesn’t have to know everything as we refer to the title of this book the world is “too big to know”. Even at school the professors don’t teach one semester program in the one day, otherwise no student can understand. That’s the Internet try to do in this new revolution scientific. The worse is the kids learn every bad behavior from the Internet. For example, it informs them about the drogues, the violence, and sex.
    In conclusion, the knowledge is good, but we have to learn what we need. It’s not good to have all information, because some of them can spoil our life. Then, I think we don’t want to get involve to those. The internet has destroyed the future of our teenagers. They learn every bad character from it. Therefore, they forgot everything they learn from the school and from their parents at home. Finally, they become the losers. They cannot control any more what they have learned freely. Also, they cannot be control by their parents.

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