Maria Paula Saba started with the simple question, “Do girls wanna wear light?” Using code and small, programmable computers called arduinos which we are also using at City Tech, she created the first programmable jewelry prototype. After seeing how her idea inspired young women, she went on to create a product called Jewliebots, which makes codable jewelry accessible for girls of all ages.
Her business, “Jewliebots”, was successful, but to have an even larger impact, she joined forces with two other female technologists. They refined the product and began to sell the product under a new name, “Jewelbots.”
Just like Maria we can turn our ideas into reality. Its just the matter of time taking a step towards it. There is so much that you can do with technology now days, that it has no limit. It can be used to our full advantage, to create something big and successful.
Watch the video below to learn more about Maria’s vision for wearable technology and the infinite creative and educational opportunities for jewelry.