Adobe Max

What is Adobe MAX?

Adobe MAX features live and on-demand content for creatives to access worldwide. Annually, there is an event where people worldwide come together and have a creativity conference. Adobe MAX 2021 occurred from October 26th – October 28th. After the events have occurred, most of the content will be available over the coming year on-demand, along with over 400 sessions, labs, keynotes, musical performances, and Adobe lab sneak peeks. Adobe Max is great because apart from being offered at no charge, on-demand sessions can be shared with anyone and easily accessed on mobile devices through the Adobe Creative Cloud Mobile App.


About The Webinar I Attended

Michael Fugoso

On October 26th, I attended one of the Adobe MAX 2021 webinar sessions. The session’s name was Augmented Reality: Making Your Work Pop with Illustrator and Aero – L336. The speaker, Michael Fugoso, a Designer and Illustrator, discussed how he uses Adobe Aero in his artwork to bring his 2-D illustrations to life. You can see his style of work here on his Instagram. He walked us through how he uses his sketch on Illustrator, how to save it for Photoshop, how to use layers to add shadows/highlights in photoshop, then finally, how to open it in Aero and make it pop. In this session, I learned how layers were used in Illustrator, Photoshop, and Aero. You layer them in the order you want them to pop; the same goes for the shadows/highlights. Then, when you bring it to Aero, you can adjust the angle and depth of the artwork and set the image file that should be recognized for the illustration to pop up. I enjoyed this webinar and plan on applying what I learned here on my projects soon. Michael did a great job at explaining each step and providing a simple workbook with the instructions. All of which can be found on the Adobe MAX website.

About the Speaker – Michael Fugoso

Originally from San Diego, Fugoso is an Illustrator and Designer functioning in Austin, Texas. He does illustrative work for large aerospace companies like NASA, Boeing, Blue Origin, and more. He’s also done work for major companies like Adobe, IBM, and Volvo, to name a few.  Fugoso considered his life normal, attending business school and working as a banker until age 29. At 30 years old, he discovered his true passion in the arts of illustrating.