When I was in the process to choose a quote, I stumbled upon Maya Angelou’s quote, “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” Growing up, my mother always taught me kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give. It’s the only gift that keeps on giving. And it was and still is a principle I like to live by today.

With this in mind, I decided to visualize this quote to try and spread this message with audiences of all ages. A big inspiration for this quote for me was to make sure all audiences, especially kids, are attracted to the design so they may stop to take a minute and read something that can alter the course of their day for the better.

Concept 1

My first concept was to visualize my literal interpretation. The rainbow signifies joy and good times, which is why the cloud has a happy face. Now, compared to his friend in the corner with the sad face, you can feel the power the rainbow has to alter emotion in this picture. I lastly added some birds to fill in negative space that I thought was distracting.

Concept 2

In this design, I tried to use only type to challenge myself from staying away from the arching theme of rainbows. I found myself questioning what other components make up a rainbow. Color. The whole visible light spectrum added to the type is a good representation of rainbows.

Concept 3

The third sketch was another personal interpretation of the quote. I wanted to play around with the placement of the text. There was something about playing with the idea of the word “someone” being under the rainbow to signify the power of the presence the rainbow has.

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