Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

The topic I chose is gentrification in Brooklyn. Gentrification has been a thing in Brooklyn as early as the 1980s. As a native from here, I’ve always seen a divide within communities. I remember the first time I saw a white person going passed Clinton-Washington (a stop on the C line). The concept of renovating and new businesses isn’t a bad thing but the way it’s handled makes it bad forcing out the locals for newcomers who can afford more. 

Who benefits from gentrification?

How is gentrification started within a community?

Could gentrification be another way to push minorities out of the city?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Aking- This is a good topic but you may need to narrow down a bit. Right now it seems you’ll write a piece about your opinion on the gentrification of Brooklyn in general. You’ll see as you research if the topic feels too big. If it does, you might end up researching gentrification in a particular neighborhood. Perhaps it could be a neighborhood that is currently undergoing gentrification. Then you can write a piece giving your opinion about gentrification in that neighborhood.

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