Folded paper strip with the handwritten sentence "Observation and Research Are Important."
Observation. Research. Writing.” by Underway In Ireland via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Week 7: Introducing the Reflective Annotated Bibliography (Unit 2)

Monday, 10/9

  • College Closed

For Tuesday, 10/10: Classes follow Monday Schedule


  • Read the chapter “Research Starts With a Thesis Statement” by Emily Wierszewski, on pages 231- 235 in Bad Ideas About Writing
    • Note: This is the reading from Wednesday 10/4 that we did not discuss. 


  • Annotate a printed out or downloaded version of “Research Starts With a Thesis Statement” by Emily Wierszewski

For Wednesday, 10/11



  • Come prepared to draft the opening section of your annotated bibliography