Breath, Eyes, Memory chapters 28-End

As I come closer to the end of the book I begin to like Sophieā€™s character a little more. Even though Sophie and her mother had many problem in the past (mostly because of the test) I like the fact that they were both able to overcome their problems, so they can maintain a healthy mother-daughter relationship. I also like the fact that Sophie started to go to a sexual phobia group (therapy), I feel that it was well need for her. Ā For Sophie to be around people that have a type similar story to why they are having problems with sex and how that problem has affected their lives is good, I feel that these group meetings is helping Sophie to get over her problems with sex and the ā€œTestā€. Lastly Sophieā€™s mother passing, I really wasnā€™t surprised that Sophieā€™s mother took her own life. Often in the book Sophieā€™s mother nightmares got even worst because of the pregnancy, she even stated that everywhere she looked she saw the face of the man who raped her. I believe that the pregnancy made Martine go insane, she truly believed that her baby was a boy and that he was tormenting her. The reason I wasnā€™t surprised Marine took her own life was because of the gathering she had at her house (with Marc, Joseph and Sophie). At this gathering Joseph was singing Martineā€™s favorite spiritual ā€œSometimes I feel like a motherless childā€,she then stated that ā€œ I want that sung at my funeralā€. I donā€™t know why but when Sophieā€™s family mentions something about funerals they tend to believe that their time has come. Ā 

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