Tituba pg. 5 to 9

I tutuba pg. 5 to 9

While reading this portion of the book I felt like the author was placed in a lot of situations where she was torn with, wanting to do the right thing, but at the same time yearning for the possibilities that would’ve been possible if she wasn’t in the situation she was in. We see this in the scene where she kills her unborn child and how she spike of it haunting her afterwards, even though she had a good reason behind doing it. Also when she constantly feels a bad “energy” from Abigail and the other two girls, but still recognizes the innocence in her as a child. I think this adds to the “witch” aspect of the text because witches are believed to be individuals who possess magical powers and are constantly placed into situations where they have to make difficult decisions; of either doing what is right or doing what needs to be done for the greater good.

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