For Thursday Aug 6th

Hi everyone– thanks for the Zoom today.  It was nice to see you all.  For tomorrow, I’d like you to do the following:

  1. Respond to at least two people’s introduction posts. You can do this simply  by posting a comment.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the curriculum and the model site hub. This is the link to the site: .  I think it is quite clear now where the materials for 1101 are (and I have relabeled them) but if it is not, they are here: You may find it easiest to look at the “entire semester weekly plan”. Also, and I’m sorry to say this, because I do really like the core curriculum syllabus, but as I think of it, I think it will be easiest for this semester if we all use the mainstream units, since all of the support materials are written for this curriculum and I think it is best if we’re on the same page.  If you really want to argue with me on this, I’m open to the debate!
  3. Personalize your syllabus. There is a syllabus for you in the documents, which is mostly finished, but there are some things you need to fill out yourself (your course times, for example.)  By “syllabus,” by the way, I am not referring to the course schedule.*  We have also planned this out for you, but these are separate documents. The syllabus is just the rules and regulations!  That said, you will need to personalize your details, including the class meeting times and you’ll have to see how you feel about the grading policy.  We will discuss it tomorrow. 
  4. Reflections on Research: If you have not done so yet, read the Summer Institute Day 2 readings. Watch my BRILLIANT 🙂 slideshow on “Research as a Process of Discovery” on the Hub and write a blog post by noon tomorrow answering the following questions (categories: Summer Institute, 1101 Unit 2)
    • When was a time when you got really interested in something and researched that thing. How did you get interested? How did you go about the research? What did you DO with that research?
    • Using what we’ve read in Kynard and Graff, how might we expand the definitions of a research project to more fully contain the curiosity and delight of research?

I will send you an email with the new Zoom link for tomorrow.  We meet at 1:30.

* We can talk tomorrow about the weekly schedule that goes out to students.  I didn’t make one for you because everybody does this differently, but I am willing to make one to go with the curriculum materials.

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