By May 11– please comment on colleagues’ units

Hi everyone!  By May 11th, please comment on your colleague’s 1101 units 2 and 3.  I’d like you to keep the same partner as before.  That way, you’ll be able to think about the whole trajectory of the course.  These pairs are:

Nadine/ Rebekah, Josh/ Alison, Jody/ Patrick, Amity/ Devon, Julia/ Jessica, Kieran/ Ruth, Jacci/Jim 

Please think about the following questions (you can find the unit descriptions under the menu item ” COURSE MATERIALS: 1101 UNIT DESCRIPTIONS”

  • Look over the guidelines for Unit 2. The unit asks that students focus on genre awareness, that is, the unit teaches students to be aware of a range of genres and their different features so students might be able to learn those features so they themselves may start to write in those genres. It also asks that students learn transferrable research skills, evaluate sources, and begin to put sources in conversation with each other and with the student’s own thinking.  Does this assignment accomplish these goals?
  • Is it clear to you (and to students) how they will find a topic for unit 2? Do you think they will find those topics engaging?
  • Look at the guidelines for Unit 3. This assignment asks students to write in an unfamiliar genre, to identify and label conventions, and to use those conventions.  Does this assignment accomplish these goals?
  • Is it clear to you, in both units 2 and 3, what the instructor is asking students to DO?
  • Is it clear to you, in both units 2 and 3, what students will be graded on?

By noon on Thursday, May 14th, please post a draft of a final reflection assignment for your 1101 class– what will you ask your students to write for their final reflections next semester?  This can be similar to what you’ve done this semester, but it will likely be somewhat different, since we hope we won’t have another crisis quite so enormous (fingers crossed). Think about one or two of the learning objectives you may want the students to reflect on.  You can do this either directly (“Look at the second learning objective” or indirectly “what have you learned about genre?”) And also think about what kind of genre you want them to write in– an artist statement? a manifesto? a how-to article? Please use category “1101 Portfolio”

Also on Thursday, May 14th, we will have a Zoom meeting at 3 pm. I’d like you to be there if you’re able.  This will be our last group meeting of the semester (though I will still hold optional meetings).

Final deadlines (WOW)

  • Thursday, May 28: The final syllabi, and all unit assignments for 1101 and 1121 are due. Please note: final syllabi do not need to include the whole schedule for courses–they will include all your course goals and policies.
  • Thursday, May 28: Student grades due. All portfolios uploaded to the PD Dropbox folder (I will provide link shortly)

I will also email you with some times I will be available for Zoom office hours. Totally optional. 

1 thought on “By May 11– please comment on colleagues’ units

  1. Rebekah Coleman

    Project 3: Writing in a New genre

    Draft Due:
    Final Project Due:

    **NOTE** All work is due at the beginning of class.
    You may submit the project via Dropbox or email it to me. However, it is not considered submitted via email unless you have received a confirmation email from me.

    **Please Do NOT** wait until the last minute to ask me questions. Come and visit me during office hours or email me during the week with questions.

    The Assignment

    Now it is time to hear YOUR opinion on the topic you choose in Unit 2! You will write an argumentative piece that is at least 1800 words using the research you complied in Unit 2. You will choose ONE of the GENRES that you researched in Unit 2 to use as a guide for writing YOUR OWN PIECE!

    You will include in the final project, at least 4 properly cited sources and an accompanying annotated bibliography.

    Step 1: Choose a Genre
    We have talked a lot about genre this semester, now it is time for you to choose a genre in which to compose your Project 3 from one of the genres, we have studied, preferably, one of the 4 you have closely researched from Unit 2.

    It is very important to consider your intended audience (note: it is not me!), your purpose, the best way to reach that audience and what genre would meet those criteria.

    *Note: I must pre-approve the genre.

    Due: Description of selected genre, reason for choosing genre (audience/ purpose), discussion of elements of genre (what must be included), and limitations or constraints of genre.

    Step 2: Compose research in New Genre
    Using your research from Unit 2 and the genre you selected, it is time to compose your piece! What are the elements of the genre? What is the tone? Is it formal or informal?

    It is important to introduce the problem, share key research on the topic, address the counterclaims, and propose a possible solution to the problem. We will go over these details in depth during class!

    In total, for this project you must write at least 1800 words. The word count includes the project and the artist’s/ author’s statement.

    Draft Due:
    Final Due:

    Step 3: Artist’s/ Author’s Statement
    You will also create an Author’s Statement or Artist’s Statement. This will provide you with an opportunity to thoughtfully reflect on your final project and on the work you have done together in this unit. In an author or artist’s statement, the author explain the decisions and choices that they made when composing the piece such as the choices behind the genre, rhetorical situation, use of rhetorical appeals, mode, and medium. The author’s statement should be at least 300 words.

    The assignment must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman Font. It must be double- spaced and have one-inch margins.

    The final project should be at least 1800 words.

    Grading Criteria
    1. Genre awareness.
    Do you know the “rules” of the genre you’re working in? Do you include the common elements of the genre? Does the style generally reflect the genre?

    2. Audience awareness.
    As we’ve discussed multiple times in this class, it’s important to direct your writing toward a group of people, and to make diction, argument, genre, and sometimes even design choices that will appeal to those people. Remember your audience can’t be “everyone” (too big!) or “society” (who IS that?) but should be more specific. So I am looking for projects that are aware of and speak to a fairly particular audience.

    3. Effectiveness of Message.
    This one is simple to explain, but not always simple to do. Does your point get across to your intended audience?

    4. Presentation and Formatting.
    Do you have all of the required components? Have you revised and edited for clarity, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Is each element properly formatted? Title your project! Come up with a title of the project that engages the audience and draws in readers. Edit, revise, and take the time to present your project with the love, care, and respect it deserves!

    5. Citations.
    Is your bibliography properly cited? Do you cite all your sources?

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