Spring 2020 Exam!

For 1101 we will give the same type of exam we have had for many years, with the same type of article/ response format and two question options. This exam has been sent out to you over email. For 1121, you may give your own end-of-the-semester assessment or you may give the exam provided by the department. The same guidelines below apply.

You may give the exam on Blackboard (BlackboardFinals), OpenLab (tips HERE) or over email (Giving an Exam Via Email). Please do not give the exam using any other vehicle (for example, please don’t use Google Docs, which can be continuously edited past the deadline). We suggest you use whatever vehicle you’re already on—that is, if your class is already on OpenLab, use that.

We are encouraging “maximum flexibility” this semester due to the extreme circumstances—that is, we hope that you will make it as easy on yourself and on your students as possible. With this in mind:

  • The exam will not be timed this semester. You may tell students that it is usually a 75- minute exam and that you don’t expect them to spend more time than that, but you should not time students or forbid them from spending more time.
  • Give students at least a week from the time you send them the reading and prompt to complete the exam—don’t give them a one day turnaround. This is a policy for this semester only, but we need to give students time to work around changes to their schedule.
  • You may grade the exam pass/fail if you so desire.  You do not have to do this—it’s totally at your discretion.
  • As is already the policy, the exam cannot count for more than 10% of the student’s final grade.
  • As is already the policy, the student cannot fail the course solely for failing the exam.

You do not need to submit digital copies of all final exams to the department. However, you do need to keep copies of all exams in your own files, should there be a grade dispute.