Capstone Projects and Professional Activities:

My internship experience has been rewarding for the most part working with the developmentally disabled population. During, my initial internship I had expressed to Dr. Pawleskewicz that one of the flaws I saw with the agency was the consumers goals. The goals at times seemed outdated or was an injustice to the consumers as for there was no growth and stimulation. Though, that has not changed significantly there has been minute changes such as activities and altered goals to meet expectations in certain duration of time.

The internship project was based on integrating more activities to the consumers whose mobility were somewhat limited. I saw the need for the” Any Sync Movement Activity” because on Sundays a few consumers had physical therapy and the other consumers were basically lounging or in the backyard. It was during brunch hours and everyone was more relaxed but sometimes the therapist would turn on music and the other consumers would start bouncing and become so excited. Hence, I concluded that possibly everyone can enjoy an activity and it be all inclusive with minimal movements.

On Sunday morning along with Melissa a staff whom is actually a yoga instructor assisted me in the movement activity. The only material needed was a half filled bottle of water. The location was in the basement at the resident during Easter vacation. The physical therapist was instrumental in the entire project because she was licensed and able to oversee the entire activity. There was a sequence of stretching, jumping jacks, twisting and one beginner stretch for yoga. The intended outcome was met, for the consumers to become more active and have fun. Though, it was not all orderly some consumers continued to do jumping jacks a little longer than expected. Also, the water bottle which was the supplement was the best part. I included the water bottle because most of our consumers like water, when it is raining outside in the shower they will stand there until a staff moves them. The water bottle next to their ears is of serenity and tranquility the therapist stated.

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