We need to get this started

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  • We need to get this started
  • #18821

    Anissa Garcia

    Hey members,
    We really need to get started on this project. There is so little time and as far as I’m concerned there is no work already done. At every beginning or end of class, I am in the corner calling out, “Who is in Group 1?” and no one answers. This is a group project meaning we will be graded AS A GROUP. Please, we need to meet and get this discussed as soon as possible. It’s frustrating to me that we all have class in the same room at the same time and we cannot ever meet. This is our third or fourth week into this and there is nothing done.

    Please, we have to meet today at least after class to get this discussed!



    I have extra time after class


    Tasneema Sultana

    I had Uploaded two of the file that I needed to do. Can you tell me If I need to add or make any correction to my files.


    Tasneema Sultana

    Please on the Payroll file check your names to make sure the spelling is correct.



    Ok thanks
    My name is Noor Hussein

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