Peer Leading Session 10

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  • Peer Leading Session 10
  • #69845

    Ihn Lee

    The lecture was about sin and cos graphs. The students seemed to be confused about how to get amplitude and period. So the professor had to explain to them more than he planned. He used the time for the peer leading session to explain the concepts. So we didn’t do the peer leading session.


    Patrice Prosper

    OMG Ihn, I’m reading your post following what I posted about my session last week. Its interesting to see that both classes are experiencing similar levels of confusion on graphing trig functions.

    I feel like it might be helpful to teach trig in a big picture method. I don’t know if this is normally done, but I did not understand fully the importance of trig until I began learning about classical and quantum wave functions in physics. I wish there was a way to kind of explain it all together so students understand what they are seeing and what it means.

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