Peer Leading 7th session

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  • Peer Leading 7th session
  • #69614

    Patrice Prosper

    During last Friday’s session, on 11/ 20, there was far more interaction from students both in the chat and speaking out. The trig content has begun and students were trying to get an understanding different triangle types and how to find missing sides and angles.

    Two students asked questions me questions in the chat. The first seemed not to understand that the special triangle angle to side ratios did not change. The second wanted to know how to find an angle if you only had the legs of the tringle, which was ahead of the content that the Professor was teaching, but I answered anyway.

    The lead peer leader encouraged also more questions by stating that us peer leaders could help answer any questions and not to be afraid to speak up. At that point a student asked her for tutoring hours.

    Professor reemphasized utilizing office hours to ask questions about quiz material or pervious material since he wants to reserve class time for new material. We also discussed returning to breakout rooms where students could ask those questions.

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