Design Definition journal entry #3 – Balance & Repetition

Posted on Sep 17, 2014 in Coursework | No Comments
Design Definition journal entry #3 – Balance & Repetition


Formal Definition:

Balance is arranging elements so that no one part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part. The three different kinds of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symmetrical (or formal) balance is the most stable, in a visual sense.

My Own Words:balance is placing your items so that your composition is equal in weight.

examples/sketches of balance



Here is a real world example of balance :

supper.001 3Leonardo-Da-Vinci-The-Last-SupperLeonardo Da Vinci used the theory of balance to create one of the famous paintings (The Last Supper).


Formal Definition:

 Repeating visual elements such as line, color, shape, texture, value or image tends to unify the total effect of a work of art as well as create rhythm. Repetition can take the form of an exact duplication (pattern), a near duplication, or duplication with variety.

My Own Words:

To duplicate or do the same thing over and over.


examples/sketches of repetition 



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