#03The Interesting Facts about Ethics

Faiza Hussain
Ethic entry 2

image: https://unsplash.com/photos/Oaqk7qqNh_c

After reading the resource articles on the copyrights and Design I had reflected on some of my early work before I started Communication Design. Originally, I worked with images that I saw on the internet without a care because I wasn’t going to post it up. When showing it to friend I would say that I found the actual image from this site and this user. Eventually when I got to doing graphic more seriously, I went and looked for free use or my own work to try and make graphics. If I had to use work, I would go to site like Unsplash and Pexal and in a talk about my design I would give credit to where I had found the image. If there is an inspiration that help with my work I would mention where I had found my inspiration. I did especially since I wanted to use work on my portfolio and when I worked with a client, I never want them to get into legal problem due to my carelessness.

In the case of Fairey copyright, I believe if Fairey was using the image of Obama to give commentary on his feeling that as long as it wasn’t completely taking the photo without transforming that it should be considered Fair use. I believe that while the photo might have came from Associate Press Fairey had been worked on and transformed it enough that it was his own and even if he was selling it shouldn’t have resulted in him being arrested. It wasn’t Fairey being out there to try and steal from Associated Press.