
Prerequisites: An introductory level classical mechanics course and a good knowledge of vectors and multivariate calculus.

Exams: There will be two exams during the semester (approximately in the 5th and 10th week) and a final, cumulative exam which will take place in the last class meeting. The final grade will be determined on the basis of these three exams; the first exam will account for 30 % of the course grade,  the second exam will account for 30 % of the course grade, the final exam will account for 40 % of the course grade.

Exam Policy: 

  1. All students are expected to connect on time to the virtual lecture room for the exam sessions.
  2. Any student absent from an exam will be given a grade of zero for the exam unless he provides a doctor’s note of explanation.
  3. Students will be allowed to prepare and use during the exam a handwritten, one-page letter format formula sheet.

Homework: Homework problems will be assigned during the semester. Homework assignments will not be graded. However, it is extremely important that students solve the homework problems and ask any problem-related question they might have to the instructor.

Online environment:  The course is online. The class meeting takes place through Blackboard Collaborate. All class meetings are synchronous (live) at the scheduled time. Attendance is taken. Announcements are posted on Blackboard and emailed to your City Tech email, be sure to monitor it. Lecture notes and videos are also posted on Blackboard.

Technology statement: Online class meetings (both lectures and labs) will be held on Blackboard Collaborate. To communicate during the class, you need a working microphone (built-in or external) connected to your computer/tablet.
A smartphone is not recommended as a primary tool in the online class. A typical smartphone’s screen is too small to show online materials, especially formulas and their annotations, in reasonable quality.