Calling All Graphics

The company I work for Is Calling All Graphics. The company is a private one and it was founded in January 2000. It only has one location and it is located at 196 Bay 8th Street. My supervisor is the one employee of the company and she is its president. The primary business of Calling All Graphics is Graphic design and printing. The company’s clients are primarily restaurants. Other customers of the company include auto schools, accountants, and hair salons. The materials that are worked on by the company are menus and menu boards for restaurants, post cards, logo designs, brochures, business cards and other marketing material.

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The department I work in is the graphic department. Most of the projects that I work on are menu boards for restaurants using Adobe InDesign. Like most things on screen I forget about the actual size because of how small it is on the monitor. When I look at the reference for what is being changed I’m reminded of the actual size of the boards, and they are large. I have to keep in mind to make fonts as large as possible within the space I’m working with and I have to keep things symmetrical.Screen Shot 2015-06-20 at 1.08.27 AMScreen Shot 2015-06-20 at 1.08.41 AMScreen Shot 2015-06-20 at 1.08.57 AM


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