Journal Entry 3

Today is the third day of training, we have a lot of time to work on the “Choose Your Hood” element project. I sat down and just draw on illustration for my design and I managed to complete the basic outline and text for my design. And I got some advice from Mandy on how to stylize the typography and it is looking really good now. I’m really excited for the final outcome of it!

Beside working on my project, I tried my best to help Phil to decide the style for his project as well. I showed him work that I think it will help him bring together his project.

During the training, I learned more about how to use online sources to build my skill set, it is very useful because you can only learn so much from the classroom and it never hurt to learn more about the software.

2 thoughts on “Journal Entry 3

  1. Natalie,

    You showed great skill and work ethic for this project. I liked that you continued to search for inspiration throughout the project. It was kind of you to help out Philip with his project as well. It is a great quality for a designer to know how to give and receive criticism.

    Continue to expand your horizons and reach out to any available resources to enhance your experience as both a designer and individual. Next post can you share what were some challenges, minor or major, that you faced and how did you overcome them.

  2. Natalie,

    I enjoyed the inspiration you had for this project. Combining your choice of place to work on, HousingWorks, with the story “The House on Mango Street” was a very interesting choice for your concept. Also, I am glad that you and Philip work well and that you were able to help each other with feedback and comments.

    I hope that you found those resources helpful and that you can refer to them for any projects you may have in your personal projects, school projects and FC work. Like William mentioned, please do discuss some challenges, good or not, that you have had during the training day.

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