There are two documents due
- A SWOT analysis of your as you assigned project. Focus in on your assigned department for this document. There is a template for the SWOT analysis near the bottom of this page.
- Do one analysis of your project and one of another presentation you are assigned to analyze.
SWOT Analysis
Hello live event managers. Today you are learning about SWAT analysis. you job will be to create and turn in a SWOT analysis of your assigned event. an example SWOT analysis is below. Work with your team to create both documents and turn in on blackboard.
If you are not sure where to start; answer the questions below for each area. Then determine which are appropriate for your social media marketing project.
Strengths |
What advantages does your organization have? |
What do you do better than anyone else? |
What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can't? |
What is your organization's Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? |
Consider your strengths from both an internal perspective, and from the point of view of your customers and people in your market. |
Also, if you're having any difficulty identifying strengths, try writing down a list of your organization's characteristics. Some of these will hopefully be strengths! |
Weakness |
Where can you improve? |
What should you avoid? |
What would others view as your weaknesses? |
Are there comparable companies doing things better than you? |
Opportunities |
What good ideas do you detect? |
Are there eye catching trends you are aware of? |
Threats |
Do you detect any obstacle's? |
What are other events doing? |
Is changing technology a threat to your ideas? |
Do you have time to do all you plan in a coordinated manner? |
Rubric for grading your SWOT Analysis
Item | ignored | attempted 25 % | proficient 50% | complete 100% |
Header | name | name and title of project | name, title of your project, your job title | |
strengths | one idea | two ideas | three ideas | |
Weakness | one idea | two ideas | three ideas | |
Opportunity | one idea | two ideas | three ideas | |
Threat | one idea | two ideas | three ideas | |
Outcomes | one or two ideas | Three ideas | Four ideas |
Turn in on blackboard, assignment tab, production planning documents folder, SWOT analysis 1 your project. SWOT analysis 2 an assigned project.