Day04 10/2/2018

Hello class, did you enjoy a hand-drawing that you did as HW1? Do you like it or not? By the way how are you today?

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18 Responses to Day04 10/2/2018

  1. Hello, Yes I did enjoy the hand-drawing assignment.

  2. Amir Adams says:

    i found it quite delightful and peaceful

  3. Jorge Mena says:

    I am well today.
    Unfortunately i was not present the previous Tuesday.
    So i not sure of the assignment or homework.

  4. Mr.J says:

    I found the drawing homework somewhat of a challenge due to the fact that I had to draw the figures in different positions, other than that it was quite enjoyable and peaceful. I am quite well today, than you for asking. How might you be today?

  5. Kevin says:

    The hand-drawing assignment was good

  6. AyeeItsSid says:

    I personally struggled on the hand-drawing exercise and found it quite challenging. However i did some research on how to go about drawing the isometric shapes and came to a better understanding of what to do. I struggled for a couple hours just trying to finish the first side of the paper; mostly because i cannot draw to save my life. But i think with more practice i will eventually come to an understanding of the concept.

  7. yong says:

    yes i did enjoy hand-drawing HW1 I like it because it is a good way to practice drawing

  8. yong says:

    yes i did enjoy hand-drawing HW1 I like it because it is a good way to practice drawing

  9. yong says:

    yes i did enjoy hand-drawing HW1 I like it because it is a good way to practice drawing

  10. Jose says:

    Hello, i enjoyed and liked the homework, but found it somewhat difficult.

  11. Ernesto says:

    I found the drawings we were left for homework to be a fun and quick exercise.

  12. James Paul says:

    I found it to be a bit of a challenge .

  13. chrisllig10 says:

    Hand drawing homework was pretty simple; my day has been good so far.

  14. DeepakB says:

    I enjoyed the isometric drawing homework because it allowed me to practice 3D drawings. Drawing in 3D is still slightly difficult for me, but I feel more confident after practicing the homework. Also, it was peaceful getting to draw.

  15. enrique says:

    I enjoyed the hand drawing homework and it was somewhat difficult.

  16. oren felix says:

    it was a good hands one experiment for me give me a better understanding of what to come next

  17. my day has been well but i wasn’t here last Tuesday so i didn’t complete the homework

  18. Brent says:

    Yes I enjoyed the homework.

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