Muhammad Ahmed ENG2575 D94 Summary Chapter 5

Nicholas Carr talks about how technology has greatly surpassed its earlier expectations and its effects. As referenced by Alan Turning the man who laid out the blueprint for the modern computer, he believed that his machine would be the future but was discouraged by the speed of the machine as humans were able to render photos faster than computers at the time. The point is further demonstrated by the mention of the internet and how it has changed everything, as every type of information we could hope for is now online and the computer along with the internet has consumed all our media, from Pictures, MP3s, and Movies. The internet is a two way medium, as you can consume media but also create media for others to consume and enjoy. By 2009 the average adult spent more than 12 hours a week on the internet doubling from 2005. The increase use of computers and the internet has contributed to the declining attention spans. Many media companies from newspapers to TV shows and movies are chopping up their content to attract more people lower attention spans. Carr also brings in experts who state that the overuse of internet has changed how our brains are wired.

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