Tristen Drouillard – Notes on Chapter 3 (The Shallows)

At first I didn’t really understand the point of the of the chapter because of the way he started the chapter. His analogy on a child’s artwork led me to believe it was about the development of our mind and our perception of art & the detail we included in that artwork. As it went on things changed to his detail in cartography which led into his initial ideas but also began to confuse me. His inclusion of research from centuries ago and credible researchers shows that his material would be credible as well as very informative and detailed. As he went on to compare the ideas behind map making and its unintended consequences he also brought up the development of a more precise method of telling time. This shifted my previous understanding of the “point” of the chapter because now we were talking about technology and its indirect influences.

In the end i did always find myself asking what the general purpose of the chapter was…

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