

Welcome to the English 2180 Open Educational Resource (OER).

ENG 2180 (Studies in Identity and Orientation) is a literature course that provides students with an introductory understanding of identity, focusing specifically on the concepts of gender and sexuality as they intersect with race, class, ethnicity, and other aspects of social location and identification.

This site is designed to provide reading resources that are open and/or freely available for City Tech students as well as a sample course schedule and assignments.

To access these materials, you must sign up/activate the following:

A Note for Students:

If you are currently enrolled in ENG 2180, this is not your course site. Contact your professor to find out where to access materials specific to your course.

A Note for Instructors:

This open educational resource was created specifically for English 2180 (Studies in Identity and Orientation) at New York City College of Technology, CUNY. If you have been assigned to teach this course or one like it, feel free to use and adapt the materials posted here. I have suggested a reading schedule under “Required Readings,” but you will find additional readings under “Recommended Readings” that you may use to replace or supplement the required readings.  If you find any errors or broken links or if you have any suggestions for additional readings to add to this resource, please contact me at lwestengard@citytech.cuny.edu.