ENG 1141 Reminder: Memoir 1 Discussion Board

This is a quick reminder to post on our discussion board before tomorrow’s class.  A couple of you have posted your letters to Money, which is one of the options. There are instructions directly on the discussion board HERE.

Tomorrow, we will discuss writing about the story of our names. For this, we have two readings that are also on the upcoming Memoir Reading Quiz:

  1. Việt Thanh Nguyen, “America Say My Name (May 3 class session)
  2. Beth Nguyễn “America Ruined My Name for Me” (May 3 class session)

The end of the semester is just a few weeks away! Let’s stay focused until then. Email with questions if you have them and remember, I have ZOOM office hours on Tuesday and Thursdays, 4-5 pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82754062261

Write on,
Prof. Sears


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