Is Homosexuality Biological or Environmental?

Britany Dupuy
Professor Fraad
November 19,2018
English 1101

Imagine living in a world where being gay doesn’t make you good enough for society. Many would argue that being gay is a gene that your born with and others in fact may think the being gay is a choice. The controversy in society today men are not allowed the luxury of being openly without someone trying to change them , or making them believe the choice of their sexual orientation is wrong. These men are faced with cruel punishments because of the preference of their sexual orientation. Men being homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual is strictly based on genetic factors biological factors. The biggest question that people are so content with answering is, what determines one’s sexual orientation. Between several of the scientific research, it has said to be that the sexual orientation gay gene is most commonly found amongst identical twins. The article “ The Last Mile”, by Siddhartha Mukherjee , it states, “ J.Michael Bailey had tired to study the genetics of sexual orientation using a twin-study experiment….. When Bailey looked for concordance of gayness among twins , the results were striking. Among the fifty-six pairs of identical twins, both twins were gay in 52 percent …”,Mukherjee 373. This study done on the twins by some Bailey is an indication that indeed environment does not always play a role in one’s will to being a homosexual or a heterosexual. This is a likelihood that identical twins have a higher chance of being homosexual rather it is for than fraternal twins where only one of them could be but the other one remain heterosexual. This is a concept that shows genes indeed play a great role in determining the sexual preference of one’s sexual orientation.
Many always believe the sexual orientation for men at least is always decided in womb based on the babys genetic factors, whereas for women some may be born gay but majority of the time that come later on in life. In the article ‘’Pas de Deux of Sexuality is Written in the Genes”, it states, ‘’ Desire may seem the core of human sexual behavior, but it is just the central act in a long drama whose script is written quite substantially in the genes.’’, “ An anthropologist at Rutgers University, argues that three primary brain systems have evolved to direct reproductive behavior.’’,(Wade 6). With this such negativity associated with prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals, it justification that there is need to let the society appreciate the fact that sexual orientation is not a matter of choice but it is predetermined by the genes. This is what has prompted to research of the biological factors as the main determinants of sexual orientation.
Some may even believe that besides the fact of being born gay , God made them gay. The dicrimination set against homosexuals has always been a serious issue , this issue sometimes leads to being attacked by others. Most of these individuals live in fear of isolation , to where they don’t practice there sexual orientation in public. Many of these individuals live in fear to practice their religious belief because the shame they are afraid to receive. In the article “ God Made You This Way; Pope Is Said to Have Told Gay Man’’, it states “ You have to be happy with who you are. God made you this way and loves you this way, and the pope loves you this way.” ( Horwitz 1). With this discussion to the public many gay men came forward with there stories of attacks, now these men can live in peace and no longer in fear.
On the contrary many believe the sexual orientation of being gay is not a genetic trait, but it has to do more with the environmental factors. Many beileve that they have been practicing hemoseuality but that doesnt make them gay because they still had affection for women until they had sexual encounters with men to finally know there really gay. In the article ‘’Homosexuality:Born or Bred?”, it states “ To find out, he thought he should try sex with men. When he did, he says, “The bells, went off ,for the first time. Those homosexual encounters were more fulfilling.”(Newsweek Staff 1). This shows that genes is not always a cause of gay orientation but rather the environmental factors and experiences. Therefore, society should have a level of normalcy where everyone will be appreciated regardless of their sexual orientation. In such biological factors should not affect such a choice.
In conclusion the controversy some parts of men are not allowed the luxury of being openly without someone trying to change them , or making them believe the choice of there sexual orientation is wrong. These men are faced with cruel punishments because of the preference of their sexual orientation. Men being homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual is strictly based on one’s genetic factors they may have inherited upon conception whether it came from mother or father. This shows how society can have a impacted on one’s life whether its having them question their own sexual preference to fit into society or the experiences which shows them their path.

Work Cited Page
Mukherjee Siddhartha, “ The Last Mile” The Gene, Scribner 2016.
Newsweek Staff, “ Homosexuality: Born or Bred’’, February 23,1992
Wade, Nicholas, “Pas de Deux of Sexuality is Written in the Genes’’, The New York Times, April 10,2007
Horowitz,Jason, “God Made You This Way; Pope is Said to Have Told Gay Man’’, The New York Times, May 21,2018

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