
Classroom, a composition of indeterminate duration




Honk                     yawn                     squeaking           pencil scraping paper     tapping                 coughing (light)

Knuckle cracking               paper shifting    pen click     stomping (moderate)              pulling spiral paper

Scraping (chair)                 clapping hands  (full class)                            body shifting in chair

iPhone alarm sound   foot tapping            coughing (heavy)

Jacket button or zipper scraping on chair               people laughing (outside room)

“Go, this counts.”

2 thoughts on “Score

  1. Michael Ruiz

    I was a human instrument. At first I thought this was a scam but now I reflect on my past and remember that students in my high school used to do that with their surroundings, to create a beat. Like tapping and scrapping our pens to create music.

    1. Michael Ruiz

      I’ll be very honest with you, I first viewed the video of John Cage’s music creation abnormal. But I remember how back in the years we did the samething but modified it to create a beat.


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