A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Bunn Assignment

When Mike Bunn directed the statement ā€œYou are already an authorā€ to his readers, I took it literally. An author does not need to be published or professional. An author can be defined as anybody who has written anything and according to Bunnā€™s essay, can now be defined as anybody who reads the way he instructs us to. When you read like a writer, you get into the mindset of one by pinpointing and analyzing specific words or structure in order to understand the choices the author made. Bunn’s essay teaches us that reading and writing go hand in hand and you become an author by doing either. Well at least that’s my take on it.Ā 

Nowadays the most common way of writing is everyday texting. The way society has developed, the main form of communication is texting. Aside from that, I think a healthy way of coping with some of the things I go through is by journaling. Not like a dear diary entry, even though there’s nothing wrong with that, but more of a writing that helps me express my angst or even remember what I did that day. I feel like my already established journaling will help me in my college reading and writing career. One of the things writers struggle with the most is having their voice expressed in their writing and I already have the practice even if itā€™s not perfected or the best. Personally I feel that my high school English teachers focused so much on technical writing, structure and precision rather than the enjoyment writing should bring you and personality that should be put into your writing.

I read a book everyday to and from school and honestly ever since I read Bunnā€™s essay, I started to take sentences word by word and unpack how the authors chooses the right words to affect me as the reader. Bunn has influenced the way I read from now on. His essay also gave me some helpful tools as a writer. I love how you can almost hear his tone when reading his sentences. Although it was an informative essay, I felt like I was being given personal advice. I also loved the way he wrote his quotes. Like backups to his statements. It not just an excerpt from a text or from a speech, every quote was beneficial to what he was saying.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    This is a thoughtful and well-articulated response to the Bunn assignment, Emely!

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