A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

One word paragraph

Atychiphobia. My emotions are battling with a mix of anxiety and excitement for this semester and I don’t know which one will win. I’m worried I forgot what type of student I am. I don’t know if I’ll be overworking myself and stressing out or if I’ll give up the minute I don’t do as well as I hoped for. I know we had school online for the past two years but I feel like being in a classroom is a whole different learning experience that almost feels strange and unfamiliar to me. I hope I adapt quickly. 

 I took this picture on my second day of school and I don’t know, I just feel like he’s my little pick me up. Like if I have a bad day then at least I have the joy of seeing this little floating man smiling down on me. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Really nice and funny, Emely!

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