A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Core Value Assignment

The basic belief that guides my personal value and ethical behavior is determination. It takes a lot to accomplish something that you have always wanted to achieve for the longest. Theres a saying that i have always went by which is real failure is failing to live by your values but real success is taking action everyday to embody them. For instance, if you have an exam and you keep thinking negative about the results you are going to end up with then setting yourself up for failure. Instead, you should build self confidence and study. The more you focus and study the higher chances are for you to succeed in your courses.

Determination relates to my goals in many ways. It takes a lot for a person to become passionate in something. They have to want to be interested in that area. They cant just randomly pick something and in the end be miserable because they feel like they didn’t do enough research in that study. For example, Im studying in the medical field and wanting to become a registered nurse. I feel that i picked the correct study area because i feel satisfied when i see certain patients receiving immunizations they need and satisfied by blood.

As i am studying in the medical field i can improve the writing and communication skills in several ways. I can improve my communication skills by being more open and outspoken. Another way, i can improve communications skills are maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding any interruptions. Nurses are capable to acknowledge what isn’t negotiable. I can improve my writing skills by having the writing piece organized properly. When your writing is written in a professional manner then it would be beneficial for clinical practices.


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Excellent response, Bri!

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