This ENG1101 course introduces concepts of critical writing and thinking along with skills integral to constructing and documenting a college-level essay. As a First Year Learning Community, we will pair with Psychology 1101 to explore the emotional impact of the first year college transition and consider ways to identify and deal with new stressors.

My Writing

Since the beginning of the semester, one aspect of writing that has improved for me is writing analytically. Before this class, I had trouble analyzing and incorporating my own thoughts to sources that are given for assignments. I used to just summarize what sources say and what the author thinks instead of writing critically and using the source to relate back to my thesis. I still need to work on it but I am getting better.

One aspect of academic writing that is still challenging me is just getting started. I find introduction paragraphs the hardest. Even with the planning sheet it is sometimes hard to picture and plan out how what I am going to write for my essays. I struggle to come up with good theses and it takes me awhile to write the introduction paragraph compared to the rest of my essay. However, as soon as i get a good thesis and introduction paragraph the rest of the essay seems to flow.

I enjoy writing editing and revising my essays. I like taking what i had before and making it better. It is fun to take something I wrote and reread and rewrite it to make it even better. I enjoy seeing improvement in my writing and making any long wordy sentences more concise.

1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Sears

    Thank you for reflecting on your writing, and I’m glad that you find the revision process enjoyable. Revising is where the real improvement happens because you begin to see how your writing can become more precise and directed as a whole. Reading and writing analytically are both skills that will serve you as you continue your college career. I’m glad you enjoy this as well. Beginning an assignment is always a challenge, but this too gets easier when you understand more and more of what your college instructors expect. Keep writing!

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