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BIKETOWN will always continue to innovate and increase its service, finding better approaches to fill in the gaps of transportation needs of Portlanders. BIKETOWN will provide bike-share benefits that offer flexibility for any day-day activities whether you need to go to a tourist spot or if you just want a healthier life.  Such placement of these Ads in busy foot traffic areas will promote our bike-share experience with QR codes for on-the-go app sharing. For our social media advertisement, we wanted to promote our app by sharing the post and tagging three other people to get a chance to win an annual membership with us for a whole year!

For this phase, we looked at bike ads and thought it would be best to represent motion. Our goal is to try to encourage bike riding as it is eco-friendly, healthy, and can save money on gas.

We created billboard ads because they would be more legible to those driving as our target audience is drivers.