I feel like this text is essay type because it is trying to teach something and providing the evidence for it. The intended audience for it are writers and students that have to write for their English class , the author is teaching us to know the subject we going to write about to have a perfectly writing plan laid out and figure out the genre . Asking yourself the right questions before starting is how the author process her writing to find her own genre and write the way that a professor would ask her to write. The purpose is laid out in the text when she state ” When I started writing this essay, I had some ideas of what I wanted to say. But first, I had to determine what this essay might look like. I’ve written a lot letters, nonfiction pieces, scholarly articles, rants but
this was my first time writing an essay to you, a composition student.What features, I asked myself, should go into this essay? How personal
could I get? What rhetorical moves might I use, effectively or ineffectively? ” The author have utilized others work and tried to define her own writing to come up with her own genre. In the past I have enjoyed books in the fantasy genre and romance . Academically speaking I follow a more structured standard in writing but for my enjoyment I like to go out of my comfort zone.